Let’s start a conversation! So far, people just browse around here and leave. Let’s give em’ somethin’ to talk about. (Get it?)ย Someone start this conversation while I’m at my Barrelassin’ kid’s Barrelassin’ basketball game tonight. Leave comments and I can check back in the morning. Gonna be a long night ๐Ÿ˜ฆ The good thing about a blog is, you can talk and talk all you want, but I’m gonna need someone to talk back damnit! lol. You can see from my posts what I like to talk about, but feel free to bring up whatever the hell you like!
Enjoy Barrelassers ๐Ÿ™‚


When I was just a youngin I saw Rambo at the theater. All I ever wanted to do after that was sew up my own arm. Of course now you’d have to actually put me to sleep to give me even one stitch. Remember when him sewing his arm was the coolest thing ever in a movie?
Enjoy Barrelassers ๐Ÿ™‚


The one thing me and my husband can always agree on is, MC Hammer. Just look, if you wanna make something go big, involve The Hammer. If you have something big, but wanna make it even bigger, get The Hammer. Call on The Hammer, and you will be rewarded! He wasn’t kidding huh? All of our quality time conversations around here, somehow always come back to Hammer lol.Me and the husband are headed outside to spend the day hanging every Christmas light and decoration we have. We’re bout to Turn this Mutha Out!
Enjoy Barrelassers:)


As a child I remember Dallas being the show everyone waited for all week! Even as a little girl, I, too, loved this show, although I’m sure I didn’t completely understand everything. Who shot J.R.? was one of the 80’s biggest mysteries! Everyone had shirts that read, “I shot J.R.” The new Dallas is a great show as well, and I’m sure they’ll mark his absence in a classy way.
Enjoy Barrelassers:)


Seriously, a while back I stumbled upon a link for a Monsters of Rock Cruise. The more I read, the more I couldn’t believe it. It seemed as if a dream come true was right in front of me. I nearly fell out of my chair, and almost never picked my chin up off the floor. The list goes on and on. All I could think when I read Stryper was on the list was of a time around 13 years old, when they were going to appear at a mall and sign autographs.I was so excited for anyone who could drive, to hurry home and take me there! Nobody got home in time, and I was so sad. I think I may still be sad about it lol. When I read about this cruise I called my husband, and told him this is all I want for Christmas, my birthday, Valentines Day, and any other day where I should get a gift. I don’t see the stars lining up with the economy in my house, but that didn’t stop me from asking my husband to keep the cruise a secret so other people wouldn’t buy all the tickets lol. Like he knows soooo many people he could sell out an entire cruise lol, how many people do I think he knows? Either way,somebody should go and enjoy it! Honestly, Stryper, I still believe in you ๐Ÿ™‚
Enjoy Barrelassers ๐Ÿ™‚